Often requested, long desired and now realised - a tyre whose path is free and unlimited! We, the HEIDENAU tyre factory, have developed a tyre that combines the requirements of all mud activists and sand lovers with our high product and quality standards - the K60 Ranger. A tyre worthy of standing side by side with the legendary K60 Scout! Designed and developed to round off the K60 family's portfolio of applications in terms of off-road capability, as the off-road properties of this world first impressively prove:
Very good self-cleaning on loose ground. In addition, the offset tread design enables even power transmission as well as optimised lateral climbing ability (e.g. in ruts and hollow tracks)
Both the optimised tyre contour and the specially reinforced off-road carcass with higher puncture resistance enable 1A off-road handling
A deliberate tread block support in the side area of the tyre results in a more stable driving behaviour - regardless of the surface
The optimised material compound realises high block stability off-road with excellent wet grip on asphalt at the same time.